Πέμπτη 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


06-11 May 2007, Hyytiälä Forest Station, Finland, EUSAAR NA6 Aerosol training course, Aerosol Physics, Sampling and Measurement Techniques.

Isokinetic stack sampling

Ισοκινητική δειγματοληψία από καμινάδες σε Βασιλικά Χαλκίδας (Shellman) και Ασπρόπυργο (Παπαστράτος).

Παρασκευή 13 Απριλίου 2012


The Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory offers the following services (among others)

-Isokinetic sampling of aerosol and gases from stacks under regulation 2000/76/EC

-Particulate matter PM10 measurements conducted according to EN 12341 (Accreditation Cert. No 447)  

-Measurements of the size distribution and physical properties of aerosol particles in the atmosphere and industrial work environments


Since 2003 that I've been working for the National Center of Scientific Research ''DEMOKRITOS'' in Athens, I have processed aethalometer data from Zeppelin station in the Arctic, combined with air ass trajectory data from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), deducted source regions that mainly contributed to Black Carbon in Zeppelin and projected the results on a world map using MATLAB (Potential Source Contribution Factor analysis). I have processed SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) size distribution data from the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory station in Athens, Greece and i deducted the modes of the distribution using MATLAB. I have been responsible for the function and database of the above mentioned station (ACTRIS-EUSAAR associate) where there are on permanent basis the following instruments:
3. Elemental Carbon /Organic Carbon online instrument (sunset lab)
4. Optical particle counter Grimm Envirocheck model 107
5. AE-31 7 wavelength aethalometer
6. Mie PDR1200
7. PM2.5 Quartz filter (Gravimetric)
8. Relative Humidity and Temperature sensors, data acquired with LABVIEW
I am responsible for the Aethalometer and SMPS data reported to EBAS database.
During my work Ι have been conducting measurements and data analysis of size distribution and physical properties of aerosol particles in the atmosphere and industrial work environments during European Union and Greek Government or Municipal projects. I supervised and participated in isokinetic sampling of effluent gases from industrial stack emissions for a wood processing company, a tobacco company and a hospital’s waste incinerator.
I am the Quality manager of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory of NCSR Demokritos for PM10 measurements conducted according to EN 12341. 



·         Name: Stergios
·         Surname:  Vratolis
·         Date of birth: 13/2/1973
·         Residence: Athens, Greece
·         Father name: Vladimir
·         Family : Married with two children
·         Ε-mail  : vratolis@yahoo.gr


·         2001
Graduated from the Chemical Engineer Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


·         English (Proficiency Cambridge)
·         PC: Matlab, Meteorological program HYSPLIT4, Microsoft Office, Process Simulation (Aspen), PUMA (Technical Insurance Validation Program).

Working experience

·         October 1st  2003 – now
-          Design and function of experimental measurement systems for the size distribution and physical properties of aerosols at the IPTA-NCSR DEMOKRITOS in Athens, Greece. Data analysis of the measured quantities.
-          Isokinetic sampling of effluent gases from industrial stack emissions (Shellman, Papastratos, INTERCHEM) and a waste incinerator at Aretaieio hospital, Athens.
-          Quality Manager of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory of NCSR Demokritos for the PM10 measurements conducted according to EN 12341.
·         December 1st  2002 – August 22nd  2003
Safety Engineer at the insurance company “Commercial Value’’.
·         January 1st  2003 – June 30th  2003 (part time)
Data analysis of the size distribution and physical properties of aerosol particles in the atmosphere and industrial work environments (NCSR Demokritos).
·         May 2001 – September 2002
Military service.
·         January 1998 – June 1998
Practice at Nalco Hellas S.A. as sales representative.
·         Private lessons to students during studies.
·         May 1996 – October 1996
Work as Topographer assistant for the Greek Ministry of Agriculture.


·         Evangelia Diapouli, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, Angeliki A. Karanasiou, Sterios Vratolis, Ove Hermansen, Ian Colbeck, Mihalis Lazaridis, Indoor and Outdoor Particle Number and Mass Concentrations in Athens. Sources, Sinks and Variability of Aerosol Parameters’’, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11: 632–642, 2011.
·         S. Nyeki S. Vratolis, and K. Eleftheriadis, Aerosol black carbon in the European Arctic: Measurements at Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard from 1998 – 2007, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 36, L02809, doi:10.1029/2008GL035741, 2009, oral presentation at the European Aerosol Conference, Helexpo Thessaloniki Greece, 24-29/08/2008.
·         C. Mitsakou, C. Housiadas, K.Eleftheriadis, S. Vratolis, C.Helmis, D. Asimakopoulos, Lung deposition of fine and ultrafine particles outdoors and indoors during a cooking event and a no activity period’’, indoor Air 2007; 17:143-152.
·         S. Vratolis, C. Mitsakou, K. Eleftheriadis, A. Karanasiou, C. Housiadas, M. Lazaridis GRAVIMETRIC AND OPTICAL PM10 MEASUREMENTS IN AN INDUSTRIAL WORKPLACE AND THE IMPACT OF THE MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ON THE CALCULATED INHALED DOSE, Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania Greece, 3-7/07/2006
·          “PARTICULATE MATTER MEASUREMENTS IN AN INDUSTRIAL SITE, L. Dzumbova, K. Eleftheriadis, S. Vratolis, M. Lazaridis, J. Ondracek (Greece),Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania Greece, 3-7/07/2006
·         MODAL STRUCTURE OF THE FINE URBAN AEROSOL IN FOUR EUROPEAN CITIES, K. Eleftheriadis S. Vratolis, C. Housiadas, Institute of Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”, 15310 Ag. Paraskevi, Attiki, Greece, J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, J. Schwarz, Z. Wagner, Institute of  Chemical Process Fundamentals, Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, M. Lazaridis, J. Ondracek, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania 73100, Greece, T. Hussein, University of Helsinki, Department of Physical Sciences, P.O. Box 64, FIN–00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, S. Kephalopoulos and Y. Drossinos, European Commission, Joint Research Centre,I-21020 Ispra (Va), Italy
·         K. Eleftheriadis, V. Zdimal, Z. Wagner and S. Vratolis, Performance comparison of SMPS and LAS-X using ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride aerosol, European Aerosol Conference 2005, Ghent, Belgium, 29-30/08/2005.
·         12th Congress of Toxicology, Skiathos, 12-17 June 2005. Poster presentation: Chemical and Toxic Evaluation of Wet and Dry Deposition Samples from Urban and Industrial Areas, S. Vratolis, K. Eleftheriadis and A. Kungolos.
·         K. Eleftheriadis, S. Vratolis, C. Mitsakou, I. Colbeck, C. Housiadas and M. Lazaridis, Impact of indoor household activities on the size distribution of fine aerosol number concentration and case specific calculated inhaled dose, Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference 2004, pp. S849-S850.


·         Thesis (1999-2001)
«Chemical and toxic evaluation of wet and dry deposition samples from urban and industrial areas».
·         Economic and technical analyses (1999-2000)
«Analytic design of an ethylene oxide unit and consideration over its viability».


·         29-30 May 2012, Lillestrøm, Norway, Actris training course on data formatting.
·         04-05 October 2007, Pouch, Germany, Grimm, Basic sales pre-training.
·         06-11 May 2007, Hyytiälä Forest Station, Finland, EUSAAR NA6 Aerosol training course, Aerosol Physics, Sampling and Measurement Techniques.
·         12-21 November 2006
Leipzig, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, EUSAAR,  Calibration and Intercomparison Workshop: Particle Counter and Mobility Size Spectrometer.
·         04-05 March 2003
“Fire safety and managing emergency situations’’.
·         17-19 February 2003
 “Management of endangerment and estimation of professional hazard’’.



·         Sports (Basketball, Running)
·         Literature
·         Travel (Finland, Germany, Turkey, Czech Republic, Cuba, France, Sweden, Egypt)